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  1. fefè

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    Garrett Hedlund only got as far as his plan A, which was to drive his Chevy S10 to LA and be cast in his first film before the age of 19. All went according to plan, and by the time he flew off to Malta to shoot for Troy, he had already put plans B and C behind him, along with the life on his parents’ farm in Minnesota. Now at 25, Garrett is onto his second blockbuster film, but this time as the lead character in the film Tron Legacy.

    What did you think of the original Tron movie when you saw it?
    I watched the original in 2003 when I was filming Troy in Malta. I remember thinking how crazy people’s minds were in those days, to be able to create a film dealing with a man being sucked into a computer. I never thought that one day I would be involved in this.

    Did you have any hesitations in accepting the role of Sam Flynn?
    I’ve always been hesitant of being involved in a big commercial blockbuster because there is a lot of fear involved. The fear of massive exposure, that all the visual effects will be as grand and as impactful as they’ve been promised to be, and hoping that the story will come across well. But this film was perfect to jump into without fear. The director was fantastic and the cast are amazing. I’ve always wanted to work with Jeff Bridges, and now we’re playing father and son. I’ve known Olivia Wilde for years prior, and it was just as big a deal to her as it was for me because neither of us had starred in a big commercial vehicle, and it was cool to share and take this step forward with her.

    How did you prepare for the role?
    The character I play is an extremist full of adventure and life, so basically we had to go through a lot of extensive physical training in order to prepare for the stunts. I had to get my motorcycle licence and train every morning from 7am to 9am, and then go do physical combat training: punches, knees, and kicks. And afterwards I would go into hard- core training – jumping over things and doing weight-lifting for an hour.

    So you made a movie and got into shape?
    [Laughs] Yeah, I guess, but then for my last role I played a country singer, and as much work that I put into getting in great shape, I had to put into getting in the exact opposite shape.

    Tell me about your film where you played a country singer
    The film’s called Love Don’t Let Me Down, and it was just as difficult emotionally as Tron was physically. I play a young country singer that goes on tour with Gwyneth Paltrow’s character, who is one of the biggest country stars out there but who has fallen down too many times. She gets taken out of rehab to go on tour and she wants me to open for her because she’s fallen for me and finds an extreme amount of promise in me. So we go on to this tour, and one thing after another starts to fall apart.

    How did you prepare for Love Don’t Let Me Down?
    We filmed in Nashville for two months, and I got there a month early and stayed in a cabin on a ranch, where I kept up with all the guitar rehearsals, ‘cause I never knew how to play a guitar before.

    Is the guitar something you’ll keep up?
    Oh yeah, not publicly performing, but as a private passion, just like writing.

    What kind of writing do you do?
    Anything really. If I have a great night, I sit down and use a pen and pad as a pal to whom I’m really excited to tell it all too. It’s kind of like documenting my time, so maybe one day when I’m a grandfather, my grandchild can look at it and say, “Look at the life he was able to live.”

    What about your life in LA; what do you do when you’re not working?
    When I get home I really just kick my feet up and ready everything I’m meant to read, and write what I couldn’t write, or watch what I just couldn’t get myself to the theatre to watch when I was filming in a different city.

    What is the hardest lesson you’ve learnt since you began acting?
    My biggest thing has always been privacy. It’s always been a struggle for me to express myself when the questions are personal. I prefer the ambiguity. For every interview I would almost prefer saying the opposite of what’s true about me and keep people guessing, rather than giving them facts that they can formulate an opinion or judgment of me based on what they’ve heard is true.

    So it’s easier to be in front of a camera as a character rather than yourself?
    Oh of course, big time. Even though you’re right there, there’s a big mask to hide behind.

    Have you always been so private?
    I guess so, I grew up on a farm in a small town where you do or say one thing and everybody knows about it. So I learned at a very young age just to keep my mouth shut. You see it happen. People talk around town; there’s always the town gossip: “Oh did you hear about so and so?” or “Did you hear what went on in this household?”

    It must be hard to remain private when you are making movies. How do you deal with the criticism?
    I think the best way to deal with negative comments is to just not respond to them. I’m not the one who’s had to deal with a lot of that right now. I mean, when Troy came out, people were saying this and that online. Yeah it’s crazy, but it blows away. I just never really cared about what people say.

    Would you ever go back to living on a farm?
    Yeah. I feel that everything that pulled me to the city slowly pushed me away from it. The peace and quiet and the freedom that I never realized meant as much as it did. We didn’t have any neighbours for miles, woodland to run around in. life is too short when you fine yourself sitting in a car for four hours everyday trying to get from East LA to West LA to Hollywood and then back to East LA.

    If you had to give up acting today what would you do?
    Be a country singer. [Laughs] I don’t know, I grew up with country music all my life, and I was never a good country singer and I could never play an instrument, but from this experience out in Nashville, I just feel in love with it.

    stupendOoOo anche sOlO quandO parla!!!! XD
  2. claudia_s86

    User deleted

    lo adoro sempre di più, davvero!!
  3. fefè

    User deleted

    vEramente..... nOnOstante è bravO cOme si vede che nOn si mOnta la testa!!...stupendOoOo ....
  4. claudia_s86

    User deleted

    davvero, dalle interviste si capisce che non è affatto montato, anzi, mi sembra uno molto con i piedi per terra, cosa che apprezzo davvero moltissimo!!
  5. fefè

    User deleted

    anche se invece ti leggerle l'interviste ,..preferirei una chiacchierata faccia a faccia XD !!!
  6. claudia_s86

    User deleted

    magari!!!!!!! XD
  7. fefè

    User deleted

    pOssibile nOn c'è un fOrum O un qualsiasi sitO dOve si faccia sentire?!?!??!...mi sembra stranOo!!
  8. claudia_s86

    User deleted

    è che lui è uno riservato, penso che non gli piacciano molto queste cose...
  9. fefè

    User deleted

    capisco che voglia mantenere una cerat infatti vorrei un forum suo no che faccia gOssip...sOlo per parlare con le fans.. o infOrmarle delle nuove uscite dei film ecc!! nn sarebbe male
  10. claudia_s86

    User deleted

    sarebbe bello, ma pare che sia successo questo: perciò...poi magari più avanti un sito ufficiale lo farà (anche se io non sono molto convinta) dipende da come vanno le cose...
  11. fefè

    User deleted

    mmmm lessi già qst cOsa e nOn ne sOnO tantO cOnvinta!!... se qst cOsa è vera significa che diventandO + famOsO cOn i prOssimi film nOn si farà mai vedere!!! nO nn credO prp!!
  12. claudia_s86

    User deleted

    secondo me le cose potrebbero cambiare solo se diventa più famoso e magari è qualcun altro ad occuparsi di queste cose x lui...lui direttamente mi sembra difficile...
  13. fefè

    User deleted

    speriamOoO...anche un semplice forum direttO da lui mi basterebbe XD!!
12 replies since 25/4/2010, 15:17   134 views